
Rob Jones

It was a huge thanks to Michelle Lewis of Woollywumpkins ( coming in to Cwmclydach Primary School to work with World of Words – WOW children (i.e. This kind lady made a visit to teach hand-knitting skills and the session flew by as the crowd were absorbed by her guidance and their industry.
The result was another overwhelming success as the year 5 and 6 youngsters were enthusiastic, energetic and enterprising.

Michelle is a diligent operator who runs a variety of classes and her detailed and dexterous approach was ideal as her audience proved to be attentive and appreciative. The younger pupils were very good with their nimble fingers and bright minds uniting to create some colourful butterflies.

It was a pleasure to hear the students asking so many questions, showing their appreciation and enjoying themselves in a process that involved precise thought and manual input.
It was another credit for World of Words and the run of recent 2024 WOW guests have spanned art, athletics, story writing and now knitting. There has been plenty of variety and a range of experiences – and to add to it all our groups brought in a range of riddles and stories that they had written at home on the back of our sessions in school. is a non-profit children’s literacy and well-being programme that fundraises to deliver its project. If you can help email