The answer is you can’t!
The music of the band stands proud and the lyrical prowess of vocalist and band leader Robert Lloyd is peerless.

Here are but a dozen interesting song titles from the Nightingales to spark your imagination:

Bullet for Gove
The Headache Collector
I spit in your Gravy
Diary of a Bag of Nerves
UK randy mom Epidemic
Elvis the last 10 Days
Well done Underdog
Brownhills United’s Tattooed Southpaw
Former florist of the Queen
Hard Up (87% Buffering Completed)
The world of nothing Really
Crap Lech

There is a chance to catch The Nightingales in action at The Factory, Porth on Sunday, May 4, 7pm. Ted Chippington and The Surfing Stunt Kites offer support.
Tickets are a bargain £5. Call 01443 687080, 02920 230130 or go to: